The National Center for Black Family Life

For over four decades, Hampton University has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to the cultivation and empowerment of Black families. As an institution of higher learning, Hampton University recognizes that families are the cornerstone of our university community and the bedrock of the broader Black community. The university seeks to advocate for, uplift, and provide transformative resources to Black families by all means available.

This mission is embodied in the National Center for the Black Family, which is housed within the School of Liberal Arts and Education at Hampton University. Operating within this academic division, the Center serves as a vital hub for research, advocacy, and resources that support and strengthen Black families.

The National Center for Black Family Life

For over four decades, Hampton University has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to the cultivation and empowerment of Black families. As an institution of higher learning, Hampton University recognizes that families are the cornerstone of our university community and the bedrock of the broader Black community. The university seeks to advocate for, uplift, and provide transformative resources to Black families by all means available.

This mission is embodied in the National Center for the Black Family, which is housed within the School of Liberal Arts and Education at Hampton University. Operating within this academic division, the Center serves as a vital hub for research, advocacy, and resources that support and strengthen Black families.

Family Ministry

We use the Communio model to equip churches with data-driven insights, ministerial best practices, and other resources to foster healthier relationships for singles, those preparing for marriage, married couples, and those in marital crisis.


We produce an Annual Report on the State of Black Families as well as other research reports that address important issues related to the cultural asses of and the social challenges faced by Black families.

The Annual Conference on the Black Family

Since 1982 we have organized annual conference for clergy, educators, researchers, community outreach workers, policymakers, practitioners, etc. who through their professional and other roles provide support for Black families.

Speaker Series

Through the Hampton University School of Liberal Arts and Education, we present an interactive speaker series, featuring subject matter experts and families engaging in conversations about Black Family Life.

Common Ground

The NCBFL implements workshops, discussion groups, and literature that inspire and facilitate civil discourse and action (between persons with disparate views) about:

  • The significance of healthy families for individual, societal, and global well-being and
  • Programs, policies, and practices that will strengthen, elevate and support family life.

The Common Ground component of the NCFBFL also works to form strategic partnerships and alliances that aim to identify common ground and opportunities for the elevation of all families.